Monday, November 7, 2016

October was busy.

I told myself I was going to start blogging more and I promise you when I say I thought about it quite a bit last month, however, I was so incredibly busy!
It's crazy how sometimes life just seems to slip away from you before you know it.  I mean, I feel like I was just celebrating New Years at my church and now it's already November... what the heck?!

October was busy because I decided to create a walking challenge for women.  A group of women I knew (it reached people I didn't even know, how awesome?!) embarked on a challenge I gave them to walk 31 miles in 31 days.  These ladies completely blew that out of the park!

21 females total-walked a total of 1,169.83 miles.  The leader walked 143.35 miles in just 31 days!! 14 of the 21 women met their goal and they're already looking forward to another challenge.  That makes my heart incredibly happy!

I ran my third Zombie run last month with my mom and my boyfriend.  It's always a good time.  On the plus side, I also survived this year!!

On the topic of Zombie's, I didn't do anything for Halloween since I was at work, I don't party, and it was on a Monday.... but these incredible people I like to call my coworkers teamed up to make the greatest Halloween bunch, ever!  We were all superheros.  They're absolutely amazing!

We had Bat Woman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Robin, Cat Woman, Spiderman, The Green Lantern, and HeMan.

Like I've said before, I love my job!

With that being said, I'm going to wrap this up for today.  I am laying next to the fire and just looked at the time.  I would like to work out for a little bit before I have to be at work, therefor, I've got to go!

Until next time,

Friday, September 30, 2016

Reintroduction- It's been a while.

Gosh, it's taken me TWO AND A HALF YEARS to gain access to my account!!
I switched email addresses to my blogspot when I got married (and forgot the password because I am no longer married) and have not been able to keep it up to date! 
I spent over an HOUR yesterday dealing with it because I did NOT wait to loose this blog.  Needless to say though, a lot has changed since I've last written!

Let's reintroduce myself:

My name is Krysta, I am currently 23 years old and I live in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia.  I am obsessed with chocolate labs, working out, being happy, and exploring new locations.
This blog started out as a fitness blog and I will let it continue as a fitness blog.  That's exactly what I am passionate about, fitness.

I'm not exactly sure how it started.  I was really young, I'd say about 12, when I started really getting into fitness.  I say "getting into fitness" because the only thing I was crazy about was getting abs. HA!  My nickname for softball was 2-pok (a "cool" way to say 2-pack, which was how many abs I had).  Goooood times. 
I was always considered an athlete. I've played softball/baseball since I was 5 years old.  I transitioned into middle school where one year I played volleyball, went into basketball, which then transitioned to spring time where I did track AND softball.  Then I went into high school where I three year lettered in volleyball and softball  Needless to say, I was always doing SOMETHING.

I decided to get a gym membership when I was 16.  I paid for it out of my own pocket since I had a job at the time.  In the beginning I would go sporadically, zumba and the treadmill were the only thing I ever went for.  If we are being honest with one another, the only reason I decided to join the gym was because I had a boyfriend at the time that I would never get to see unless I saw him at the gym. (It's funny how things haven't changed much, but roles are almost reversed! hahaha!)

Yes, this is a screenshot..
Fast forward seven years (that kind of scares me) I switched from a nursing major in college to fitness and exercise science.  I went from getting average grades, to a 4.0, 3.84, and or a 3.5 and higher  Mind you, each of my last four semesters I was taking at LEAST 18 credit hours.  I was studying all the time, reading all the time, writing papers, I started not just "liking" school, but LOVING IT.  It's really true though, you've probably heard it before, Do what you love and you won't have to work a day in your life. On so many different levels that is true.
I graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Sports Studies-
Fitness and Exercise Science.  By far one of the highlights of my life-graduating.  I am hoping to start my Master's here soon. I'll be working on my Masters in Exercise Science and Human Performance. I'm trying to pay for everything out of my pocket so I don't have any student loans.  Do you know how hard that is?  Ugh. 
Image result for technogymSince graduating, I have landed the job of my dreams.  It took me over a year to find it, but as of three months ago, I work as a Health Fitness Instructor at a hospital in a neighboring city.  Our clientele is mostly older individuals, or people transitioning from physical therapy or cardiac rehab, but I work one on one with clients to create an exercise program that fits their wants and their needs.  It's an amazing job because not only do I get to work at a gym that collaborates with a hospital, but Wellness Center uses top of the line equipment. Technogym.

Image result for acsmI have also been certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Certified Personal Trainer.  Unless you have a background in health and fitness or working out, that's a tough exam!  Now I know why they call it the gold standard in personal training certifications.

With that being said, if you would like an exercise program created based on your want and needs, I would LOVE to help you out!  I'm going to eventually start taking on clients but right now I am focusing on my work at the hospital, building a clientele base and focusing on myself right now.  I still have the goal of becoming a professional bikini competitor with the Organization of Competitive Bodybuilders.  I've been working hard, not hard enough, but hard in the gym the past couple of years to put on some size and work on my upper body and legs since my last competition.  Hopefully this upcoming year for me.  I just want to one-up my last competition.  As long as you're making progress, you're still lapping everybody sitting on the couch.

I have so much more to say, but it's breakfast time and my gym date just arrived to pick me up.  Until next time guys!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I'm surprised.

I am always surprised at the number of people who look at my blog although it has been (yet again) a long time since I've published anything.

What have I been up to?  Well, since it seems to me that it has been since July since I've written, a lot.

I am currently interning here. <3
The tent we carried with us

First of all, HOW COULD I NOT WRITE ABOUT MY APPALACHIAN TRAIL ADVENTURE?  Jeepers.  I am obsessed now.  One of my oldest friends and I took off two days and did a little backpacking trip in the Appalachian Trail.  It is nearly in our backyards.   We only traveled about 10 miles over all, but it sure was a fun 10 miles!  We got freaked out by a salamander of some sort that seemed to jump out at us, we accidentally missed the turn to the shelter we were supposed to be sleeping at that night, and we ALMOST got lost trying to find our way back to the trail the next morning.  Oh, and God was sure watching us that night because there was a storm that was supposed to hit us and it manage to go COMPLETELY around us. I think I have screenshots of this for proof!

 These are two screenshots that I took that night.  My friend thought she heard a few sprinkles when I told her that it wasn't supposed to rain this night.  I turned on my phone and checked the weather.  Sure enough there was a storm that popped up and was going to go completely over us.  Of course, I forgot the top to the tent at the house, so it was just mesh covering the top of the tent.  We decided to take the ponchos that we had brought just in case and cut it so that it fit on top of our tent.  I kept watch on the storm until I fell asleep..and we did not get rained on ONE drop.

I am now a member of the Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity which is a professional recreation and sport fraternity.  That was fun.  We started up an old chapter at Shepherd University, where I attend college.  It sucks it just started my senior year, but I am trying to be as involved as I can.  I am our fraternity's Relay For Life leader which is April 10th-April 11th.

I am also on the planning committee to plan for a 5K here in Shepherdstown, WV on April 19th.  Shepherd is partnering with the Shenandoah Women's center to fund raise for ending interpersonal violence.

Even though I am packed down with my internship and working two jobs.. I have been assistant coaching an 18U travel softball team since September and I do enjoy that as well.  It takes up a good part of my time, when I don't have to work.

Fitness wise I am competing again and MORE DETERMINED THAN EVER!  I have been eating 90% clean since the beginning of the year and even my husband is on board. This makes things SO MUCH MORE easier on my part.  I am trying to convince him to compete and I think he is totally thinking about it.  Whoop whoop.

I have some internship stuff I need to do and a workout to plan for a client of mine.

Until next time!

instagram: _lookitsrichard_
bodyspace: lookitsmayville

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hiking the Appalachian trail

I took off the weekend because I was out of town and then all this week I have just been stumped when it comes to thinking about something to write about.
Though I may have had writers block, I have been researching all week Appalachian Trail hiking.

I don't know why I haven't hiked more of it before. (really because I can't find anyone to do it with me)  It's so crazy that we live in Harpers Ferry, which is almost half way in between Maine and Georgia and the Appalachian Trail Conservetory is here right in my hometown, and I have not given it much thought!

Yesterday I spent more money than I should have on little camping gear and a new two person tent.  Gear is not cheap!  At least the real stuff isn't cheap!

I am off to go do more research!   I am hoping to do a 10-15 mile hike this upcoming week.
I will be sure to let you know how that goes!


Thursday, July 24, 2014


Water. My weakness, and not in a good way.  Growing up I have never been much of a "drinker".  Only when I felt like I was going to die, did I ever request something to drink.  I would also only use the bathroom like twice a day..maybe.  I always knew water was important, but I never seemed to get enough of it.  It wasn't until..yesterday that I actually tried to drink the GALLON you are supposed to be drinking on prep for a competition.  Let me tell you, I felt like I drank water ALL THE TIME.  If I wasn't talking, I felt like I had a cup or a water bottle to my face.  The sad part is, I only got 3/4 of the way through the gallon!  So, if you are like me and never drink enough water, let me take a second to tell you why it is so important!

"According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%."

1. Drinking water helps maintain bodily fluids!
When your body is made up of mostly water, it is no surpri

se that you will need it to survive.  Water helps regulate digestion, absorption, saliva production, secretion, transportation of nutrients, along with other things. 

2. Water helps energize muscles.
The American College of Sports Medicine says that you should drink 17 ounces of water about two hours before you exercise to prevent fatigue.  Cells that do not have enough water shrivel up causing fatigue.

3. Water helps skin look good.
Dehydration causes your skin to look dry and wrinkled, which water can help cure to an extent.

4. Water helps your excretion.
If you drink little water, over long periods of time, you might be prone to kidney stones.  Water transfers toxins and wastes in and out of cells by using the kidneys.  You can tell when you are getting enough water because your pee will be light yellow and free of any odor.  When you pee is dark yellow and has an odor, your body is saving water for it's bodily functions and discreating only toxins.  Water also helps your bowels.  When you are properly hydrated your gastrointestinal track stays moving and helps  prevent constipation.

Along with these, water can help you lose weight by boosting your metabolic rate which helps your body burn fat.  Dehydration slows the fat-burning process.

Need to drink more water?
--Try drinking a glass of water with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
--Drinking a glass of water before you eat is also a good idea, it makes you think you are more full than you really are, so you aren't tempted to over eat at that buffet you went to for lunch.
--Try bringing a gallon of water around with you and set a goal.  Tell yourself you are going to drink at least a quarter of it by 12:00, another quarter by 3:00, and another quarter by dinner time.  That is plenty of water for the day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Can I live without carbs?

One of my pet peeves is when people say, "I am on a no carb diet."  I usually don't say anything. But if you were really going on a "no carb" diet, you would ultimately be giving yourself a death sentence.
If you are giving up gluten, bread, pasta, donuts, why don't people say that instead of the word carbs. People are so confused, thinking that carbs are what is making them over weight.  No, it is not completely the carbs.  It is probably the fact that your carbs are coming from mostly simple carbohydrates such as your fruity pebbles in the morning or the dunkin doughnuts coffee you just grabbed before work.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

Simple Carbohydrates:
Simple carbs are found naturally in fruits, milk, and vegetables. (This does not mean stay away from them!) They are also found in many cakes and candy.  These sugars give you energy and fast because they are so easy to digest, but lack the nutrients since they are often refined sugars.

Some examples of simple carbs:
- honey
- soft drinks and fruit drinks
- jellies and jams
- many syrups

Complex Carbohydrates:
Complex carbs are found in peas, wheats, and grains.  They are basically simple starches strung together and are almost always great in fiber which makes you feel satisfied much longer than simple carbs.   These carbs will give you a sustained amount of energy opposed to the simple carbs that will give you a rush of energy and then leave you crashed later.

Some examples of complex carbs:
- Beans and peas
- Green vegetables
- sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn
- oatmeal, whole grain bread

How do carbs work?
Both types of carbs are turned to glucose in the body and are used by the body as energy.  The glucose is used in the cell bodies and is also used in the brain.  Hence the reason you need carbs to survive.  Complex carbs have vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are important to the health of a human. You should aim to make most of your "carbs" complex carbohydrates.  These carbs have those nutrients you need in order to stay healthy.  You should stay away from the refined sugars in candy and other sweets because they have close to no nutritional value and are often called "empty calories"

In conclusion, carbs are good for you.  I mean, it is what makes your body RUN.  Carbs are fuel for the body.  You want to chose complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates because they are overall more nutritious, have fiber, and make you feel more full, longer.  Make sure when you're choosing something to eat.. stop and think about it!  Is that ice cream sandwich really the right way to please that sweet tooth or is the banana and strawberries in the refrigerator a better option?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Are you thinking about competing?

Good morning fit fam!

So, are you thinking about competing?
I figured since I talk about competing I would give you (almost) everything you need to know in one blog post about it.  This is research that I spent a YEAR doing.  So, you can thank me later. (:

So you want to compete?  Do your research first.  Read my blog and then read someone elses.

Step one:
Figure out what division you want to compete in and what organization.  Take a look in the mirror and realistically tell yourself what kind of body you want. Do you want to become a body builder and have tons of muscle and little fat or would you rather go for a more feminine but athletic looking body type? How long it will take you to get there is another story..
There are different organizations that you can compete in and they all want different things. The OCB (Organization for Competitive Bodybuilders) is probably the cheapest organization, however they don't have quite as many shows.  The NPC (National Physique Committee) is a well known organization that has MANY shows to chose from in numerous locations across the United States.  There is also the WBFF which has shows that are  absolutely spectacular.  The WBFF allows you to wear heels that matches your suit, instead of clear high heels.
The three main categories that women compete in are bikini, figure, and body building.  Some organizations however have a female fitness model category, a fitness category, and a diva model category.

Courtney Prather
Courtney is by far my favorite bikini competitor.  She has given up the sport, for now, but still continues to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle.
To be a bikini competitor isn't any easier than any of the other divisions.  You still lift weights like you were if you were going to become a body builder.  No dream body is made by just doing cardio, always remember that.

Bikini competitors should come on to the stage with 9-17% body fat.  This is ideal because it will ultimately showcase your six pack that you have worked so hard for.  The judges are looking for proportion, symmetry, balance and skin tone.  Bikini competitors are permitted to wear jewelry and must wear high heels.  Make sure your makeup and hair look natural and not too much like you're entering a pageant.

Figure competitors usually come to the stage with a body pat percentage around 9-12%.  These women are a tad more muscular than those of the bikini division and more lean. They also wear jewelry and heels.  They have suits that are still as blinged out as a bikini competitor, however, the suit shape is a little bit different.  Make sure you realize this before you buy a bikini suit for figure competition and vice versa!
That would be embarrassing... haha.
Judges  look for defined separation of the large muscle groups with no striations.

Woman's Bodybuilding:
This type of figure does not come in a 12 week period. These ladies are the most determined individuals of the women competing.  These ladies spend years building muscle in order to look like this on show day.  Women bodybuilders can wear jewelry in some organizations but do not wear heels.
These ladies have the lowest body fat percentages and have a suit similar to those of figure.

Step Two:
Pick a show.  You need to think about how long you want to prep for the show.  Unfortunately, great bodies don't happen overnight.  If you have a good base, you can prepare for a bikini competition in 12 weeks.  This is still a strenuous program.  Diet and workout must be perfect. Start small and pick a show maybe a year away, and see how far you progress and how fast.  Maybe four to six months away from the competition, sign up, and keep going!

Step Three:
Find a trainer.  Trust me.  It will be so much easier if you have somebody right there beside you throughout this whole ordeal. I have tried doing it myself, and I didn't look near as good as I know I can.  I am about to go through it again without a trainer, though I am doing better, it is so much easier when you have someone there to push you through your workouts on a tired day. Your trainer will soon become your best friend and your go to.  A great trainer will even be able to give you nutrition advice if they are certified in that as well.  Your trainer will watch you shed body fat and help you gain the muscle you need in order to compete.  Make sure you do your research and find a trainer that will suit your needs and your budgets.  Trainers are not cheap, but they sure are worth it.  Or, train with me!

Step Four:
Find your shoes, suit, jewelry, hotel room and transportation.  No one ever said competing is cheap. Besides the few bills I have, I work to compete!  You can find clear high heels on numerous websites ranging anywhere from $65-$110 dollars.  They don't need to be extremely fancy, they are just high heels.  Suits are the most expensive part.  They are usually custom made to fit you.  You can find an extremely basic suit for $70 and they can easily hit $999 before you know it.  Even though these suits can get absolutely gorgeous, the suit only matters so much. Find a suit that complements your skin tone and makeup.  The body is the main think they're judging you on.
Unless you're lucky and live in the town your show  is, you will have to pay for a hotel room and transportation.  Check in and your first layer of tan is usually on a Friday night and then the show is
usually on a Saturday.  So, expect to stay out for two nights.

Step Five:
Get ready for the big show.  It's the day you've worked for!  You will be running around like a chicken with your head cut off.  You will have another layer of spray tan to get sprayed on.  You will need to get your hair and make up finished and depending on how your carb cycling is set up, you might need to eat something special before you hit the stage.  Of course pre-judging is at 10 AM, after a late night up prepping, and a night of almost no sleep.  At least that is how mine went. I didn't want to mess up the tan!

--This might sound gross, but it is almost impossible to use the bathroom!  How are you going to use the bathroom and sit on a toilet seat without messing up your tan?  You can't. Bring a plastic cup to use the bathroom in and save yourself the embarrassment of having a messed up spray tan on the body part the judges will be looking at the most.
-- You will stink, don't wear deodorant.  The deodorant will make your armpits turn green.  Again, that is pretty embarrassing.
--BRING YOUR OWN TOWELS.  Most likely the hotel you are staying at think they are classy enough to own white towels.  Stupid. You don't want to have a bill at your doorstep a week after your competition because they are charging you with damage to the hotel room... all because you turned the white towels..brown.
As a matter of fact, it's not a bad idea to bring your own sheets either.  I slept in towels my last show and it was miserable.
--Shave your whole body.  Yes, everything except your head.  I didn't do this my last show, but I learned from four WBFF pro's that you need to shave everything.  The hair on your arms will trap the spray tan (which is true) and it will not get onto your body evenly.

Keep working!


OCB website:
Ravish Sands: