Thursday, July 12, 2012

Up's and Down's

Of course life is all about the ups and downs you go through.
Luke Bryan!
This past weekend I didn't do too good AT ALL.  I started back up alright again.

I went to a Luke Bryan Concert, which was no doubt the best concert I've ever been to!
He's the most gorgeous man to ever set foot on this Earth, seriously!

Ocean City!
Then my boyfriend and I set off for a weekend in Ocean City!  Oh boy was it worth it!  It was so hot and the water was warm.  I want to go back so bad!  Buuuut, I've worked every day this week and I babysit after work.  Busy Busy!  I'll be back soon though.

On the health side of things, I've decided to try and run my first 10k in the September time frame.  I started training yesterday with walking a half mile and then running 2.2.  It's a start.  I figured I've ran my first 5k's at the beginning of this year, why don't I try for something bigger?
I like to set goals for myself, so when I achieve them, everything feels so great!
Well, I'll be back this evening and write up my training program for you guys, while I am babysitting.  For now, I have to leave and head back to work.

God Bless, Happy days! (:

Okay everyone, well I am back after babysitting and the gym.
Just thought I would let y'all know that my computer did a reboot and my TRAINING plans for the next month got lost. Great huh?
But, here is this week, which I know off the top of my head:
Yesterday, run for 25 minutes, which was equal to about two and a half miles
Today, run two miles.
Tomorrow, off day!
Saturday, run 30 minutes
Sunday, off day!
Monday, run 3 miles.
Tuesday, off day!

Now, after going so long without running, and then starting up again.. Obviously you need time to rest your body.  I am training for seven weeks.  Each week has three days off to rejuvenate your body.
Remember, usually people tell you that carbs are bad.  Carbs are a runners best friend!
Though I feel like I am a 50 year old runner in a 19 year old body after I am done running, it feels great to sweat that much and feel like you've actually worked out!
When in all doubt, keep running!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Oh my has it been an eventful week!

Off to Philly!
First let's start with Philly! It was SO freakin hot, but my boyfriend and I managed to keep truckin' despite the heat and his lack of sleep. We saw do many historical sights, including the liberty bell! Quite the sight since we were nearing independence day. I didn't get to see it up close, the line was too long. But seeing it through the glass was just the same thing for me. (;

Where the liberty bell once resided.
Though I didn't make it to the gym, the amount of walking we did and swear we poured, pretty much was the equivalent of a workout in my book. (;

Fourth of July
Then came the fourth of July where you want to have a great time and enjoy the fireworks. Let's just end it at I witnessed a shooting and I'll never go back to that place again.

Today I am back on track rating healthy and working out. Mostly cardio still. Tomorrow I drive the 2.5 hours into Maryland to see my future husband Luke Bryan. If he goes missing.. It was all me. ❤

Long day tomorrow. Night y'all!