Monday, February 25, 2013

No Bikini Competition?

I'm still stuggling with the idea of doing a bikini competition.

However, I can't hire a trainer because I lack the money and lack appropriate hours to train.  Until I have my own place and time to cook a normal, healthy meal, it will be SO HARD to say no to momma's fried chicken and macaroni and cheese!

So, right now I am on break between classes and I'm thinking since I've done 5k's, maybe I will continue training and try a 10k.  After that try a half marathon, and continuing on.
I have to find new ways to stay healthy.  I'm doing a 5k obstacle course on April 13!  Which has me excited.

I'm so bad at making decisions.
Some things will never change.
We all have these up's and down's right? What matters is that we keep going!

Friday, February 22, 2013

So, here is the plan.

This year. 134 lbs
About a week after my pageant the photographer uploaded the pictures from the pageant to his website.  This is usually a great thing.  Unofrtunately this time, I saw my bikini shot...and just about cried.
It was SO NOT ME!
2012. 125 lbs
I bragged about how I didn't care about it as much this year as I did last year...and it SHOWS!

So, it's finally time.  I put off training for this pageant because I had other areas that I needed to work on.  However, this time it for real.
I've started eating clean this past week as well as going to the gym once, sometimes twice a day.

The show I originally wanted to do was March 30th.  That gives me five weeks and a day to get where I want to be in order to hit that stage rocking.

I've been on the computer for the past five hours researching bikini suits, shoes, tans, diets, workouts, you name it.  I haven't even figured out if I want to compete in OCB or NPC.
All I know is that one of these days I will FINALLY do a bikini competition, and let's hope that this time I am counting down the days!

On the plus diet today was PERFECT! Yuuuus! <3

"Want something? Work for it.  Nobody has ever drowned in sweat."

Until next time! <3

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pageant Life

Opening Number. I'm the left back.
Official Headshot

Well, I took a quick break from the fitness life in order to compete in a pageant that I was talked into doing.  I did two last year, 2012, and was not planning on doing one this year so I could focus on competing in a bikini competition.

 I want to thank my family for everything that they could possible do for me!  They're always surprised that I will go on a stage in front of people as well as I am.  They are definitely the most supportive people a girl could have.  I am unbelievably blessed.
Your Miss Berkeley County, Eliza Windle.

Pageants aren't always about glitz and glamour!  There is SO MUCH more than goes into pageants than what first meets the eye.
You must have a talent, bathing suit, multiple dresses and you must have a platform that you stand by and mine was volunteerism.

Though I have never won a pageant, or even gotten first runner up for that matter, I take away so many life lessons that I hope that my future kids will also get to experience.  I walk away with not only friendships but a little more confidence in myself than when I first started stepping on a stage.  Just knowing that never in 100 years would I have thought I would ever be able to DANCE in front of a crowd, leaves me in a happy state of mind.  Just so you all are aware, I am NOT a dancer.. haha!