Monday, February 25, 2013

No Bikini Competition?

I'm still stuggling with the idea of doing a bikini competition.

However, I can't hire a trainer because I lack the money and lack appropriate hours to train.  Until I have my own place and time to cook a normal, healthy meal, it will be SO HARD to say no to momma's fried chicken and macaroni and cheese!

So, right now I am on break between classes and I'm thinking since I've done 5k's, maybe I will continue training and try a 10k.  After that try a half marathon, and continuing on.
I have to find new ways to stay healthy.  I'm doing a 5k obstacle course on April 13!  Which has me excited.

I'm so bad at making decisions.
Some things will never change.
We all have these up's and down's right? What matters is that we keep going!

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