Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 12!

It's been a few days and I apologise!
It's nearing the end of school and I have 23 page papers, 5 page papers, 2 page papers, 1 page papers.  Never any tests.... just writing. Sigh.
Through it all though I have been managing to put those papers aside (which is actually harder for me than for most people) and spending the hour in the gym than I need to, everyday.

What I found funny... that by writing everything down, I hate cardio.  I use to be that girl that only went to the gym to hop on a treadmill and run for an hour, but now that I absolutely love to lift weights... I skip cardio.  I always manage to make it up the next day, because I know I have to.  But it feels so great to lift weights, cardio makes me want to die.
That's coming from someone who actually does like to run. haha.

I would write down my workouts, but I left my journal across campus!  Gasp, I know.. It's a shock for me too. (;
It's the same as last week, I am doing the same week twice and then I will switch it up a bit.
Diet has been "okay" I haven't been as perfect as I should be since I've been worrying over school.  It's better than it was before I wrote everything down.  I will tell you that much.

It's so hard to believe.  I have six weeks until  I get married and 11 weeks until my comp!  Ah!

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