Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thank Jeepers It's Rest Day!

Today is my rest day, thank the lord.  After not sleeping very well last night, I am using what energy I do have today to get caught up on some work that is due in the next few weeks.
I am just so ready to be married it is unreal!

Anyways, yesterday my eating was on POINT!
I was so happy!
My macro split right now is supposed to be 40/40/20, proteins, carbs, and fats.
It wound up being; 48/32/20. So, close enough for me!

Yesterday was also my leg day.  Which were almost back to being normal from Lindsay's workout.
Squat, dumbbell step ups, single leg dumbbell romanian deadlift, alternating latera lunges, hip extensions, hamstring curls and yesterday was my LISS cardio for 30 minutes.
I had to start at the gym and finish the lunges and cardio here at the house.

It's day 5 and I am ready to continue on!
We will see how my diet finishes up today... I've been a snacker. (:

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